January Lindskoog Family Birthdays


Wishing all Lindskoog Family Members celebrating birthdays in January the best birthday ever, Get Messy!!!  Happy Golden & 1st Birthday to Lyndon Winter (I wanna see pictures!), Leif Richards turns 40 on the 7th, turning SIX-OH on the 9th is Laurie Mielke, hitting the BIG EIGHT-OH are both Jan Porrey on the 14th & Ron Wiggerman on the 23rd, on the 18th Kiersten Lindskoog celebrates her Golden Birthday, and Maureen Guziec is thirty on the 31st!!!  Happy Birthday one & all!!!

 1 Lyndon Winter (UNO & Golden Birthday)
6 Erik Todd
7 Leif Richards (FORTY)
9 Laurie Mielke (SIX-OH)
9 Annette Todd
10 Don Diersen
10 Kirk Wiggerman
11 Lauren Biegert
11 David Lindskoog
14 Jan Porrey (EIGHT-OH!)
14 Ralph Dear
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14 Nathaniel Todd
14 Matthew Todd
16 Cindy Todd
17 Kim Kaminski
18 Kiersten Lindskoog (Golden Birthday)
22 Brittany Kaminski
23 Ron Wiggerman (EIGHT-OH!)
26 Brooke Brown
26 Ryan Beckland
30 Emily Murray
31 Maureen Guziec (THIRTY)

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