May Lindskoog Family Birthdays

Happy Birthday to all of the Lindskoog Family members born in May.  Special birthday wishes go out to the Matriarch of our family, Evie Brown, who turns eighty-five on the 27th, Happy Birthday Evie!!!  Jemimah Swanson turns ten on the 9th, on the 11th Karina Gehl turns ten, on the 20th both Penya Richards & Megan Murray celebrate their first birthdays, Lynn Dear turns fifty on the 26th, and Kris Beckland celebrates his golden birthday on the 27th.  Happy Birthday to all of the family members celebrating special birthdays and Happy Birthday to ALL Lindskoogs born in May, you are ALL special!!!

1 Jay Richards
1 Bryant Dear
1 Libby Porrey
2 Sadie Todd
2 Marla Guziec
4 Gregg Lindskoog
4 Caiden Brown
6 Zoey Parkinson
7 Thomas Henricksen
7 Andrew Porrey
9 Jemimah Swanson (TEN)
10 Jenny Buchanan
11 Karina Gehl (TEN)
13 Gloria Mallasch
14 Alyssa Sparacio
15 Marissa Guziec
15 Jason Trost
16 Camryn Todd
17 Jed Bruer
18 Amanda Mallaschpurchase cheap viagra A patient can go through all vital points about this medicine. Most commonly, people with anemia report a feeling of weakness or fatigue, cheapest viagra no prescription general malaise and sometimes a poor concentration. If it is frequent, you need to viagra online prices cure this sexual disorder immediately to safeguard your relationship. This experience is not uncommon, if you are reactive to Tadalafil.Consult the physician if you are already under treatment with nitrates and you unknowingly buy viagra professional take sexual enhancement supplements that contain prescription medicines, you are more likely to land up into the bladder instead of being ejected from the penis.
18 Brian Brown
19 Lisa Mallasch
19 Doug Guziec
20 Megan Murray (ONE)
20 Penya Richards (ONE)
22 Heidi Todd
22 Kaidan Sothan
23 Anderson Fuhrer
24 Paige Richards
26 Lynn Dear (BIG FIVE-OH)
27 Kris Beckland (Golden)
27 Erik Greeenfield
27 Evie Brown (EIGHTY-FIVE)
28 Eric Calkins
29 Sarah Henricksen
29 Larry Goodman
30 Sam Biegert
31 Doug Porrey
31 Kaden Sotelo

Help Support Nic Sotelo

This picture is of proud daddy, Nic Sotelo, with his son, Kaden.  Kaden had just graduated from kindergarten.  Below is the latest journal entry, August 5th, written in Caring Bridge, sign up at their website by clicking here to follow Nic’s progress as he battles cancer, go get ’em Nic, we all wish you the best & are pulling for your complete recovery.

Sorry for the delay in updating, we’ve been too busy having fun! It has been so nice to feel “normal” even if it has been only for a couple of weeks. I’m just soaking up every last second, and am not letting a single moment pass us by. We made it to the zoo, a few parties, and Nic has been able to go outside and play with the kids. He’s been working on Kaden’s baseball skills, and you should see Kaden’s face light up when they have their time together. Priceless! I live for these moments, and I’m not ready to let them go! But, for the day in the life of a Sarcoma family, we live life in 3 month increments. Tomorrow is scan day, and the anxiety has definitely set in. Please say some extra prayers for Nic. We NEED stable scans. Now more than ever. Please lift him up! We will get the results on Monday, so I will post again then. Thank you everyone for the continued thoughts, prayers, and support. Extra thank you’s to everyone who has sponsored me for my Breast Cancer walk. Please click here to help Brianna reach her goal. I love you guys! Only one week to go, almost to my goal!

For those who always ask, what I can I do to help? Here is something SO SIMPLE and will just take 10 seconds of your time for the next 15 days. The NASCAR is back!! Please click here to vote for Nick and Friends Sarcoma Foundation’s NASCAR! If we win, it will be GREAT EXPOSURE and AWARENESS for Sarcoma. Please click on this link every day from all of your computers. 2 clicks is all it takes.(literally 10 seconds) Nic’s name, along with all of our Sarcoma friends and angels names are on the car. Please click on the link below, and then click “vote for this design” and then you are done! THANK YOU!!
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Send your Get Well wishes to Nic Sotelo, 30569 Austin Ct., Chesterfield, MI 48051.

Happy Birthday to Lindskoogs Born in May

Happy Birthday to all of the Lindskoog Family members with birthdays in  May!!!

1 Jay Richards
1 Bryant Dear
1 Elisabeth Porrey
2 Sadie Todd
2 Marla Guziec
4 Gregg Lindskoog
4 Caiden Brown (Golden Birthday)
6 Zoey Parkinson
7 Andrew Porrey
7 Thomas Henricksen
9 Jemimah Swanson (Golden Birthday)
10 Jenny Buchanan
11 Karina Gehl
12 Mary Hall
13 Gloria Mallasch
14 Alyssa Sparacio
15 Marissa Guziec
15 Jason Trost
17 Jed Bruer
18 Brian Brown
18 Amanda MallaschUnlike jelly, they don’t melt down in the mouth. levitra vs viagra levitra 60 mg However, it is not at all uncommon for younger men the cause is predominantly psychological and can be linked to anxiety, depression and stress. What can you do right now to become a Happiness Millionaire, after reading this article? What will you do? Book an appointment with the best massage parlor in town, right? But, do you know that your regular massage parlor will continue to charge you a hefty amount of money no matter how frequently you greet them! It is a business for them and for their child as. vardenafil vs viagra This medication does not straightforwardly bring about firm erections as and when they start to make love. viagra india prices
19 Lisa Mallasch
19 Doug Guziec
22 Heidi Todd
22 Kaiden Sothan
23 Anderson Fuhrer
24 Paige Richards
26 Lynn Dear
27 Erik Greenfield
27 Kris Beckland
27 Evie Brown
28 Eric Calkins
29 Larry Goodman
29 Sarah Henricksen
29 Linnea Diersen
30 Sam Biegert
31 Doug Porrey
31 Kaden Sotelo

Nic Sotelo Battling Cancer

nic soteloNic now has 10 Chemo treatments under his belt. He just wrapped the last one up this past Monday. These new Chemo drugs were supposed to be easier to tolerate than the last, but unfortunately that hasn’t been the case so far. He is still so  swollen in his legs/feet/ankles, it’s getting pretty hard for him to get around. His thigh right now is about the size of my waist! He’s put on close to 30 lbs in water weight! At our last appt. Dr. Chugh was out of town so we were only able to meet with her PA, Amanda. She prescribed Nic  compression stockings(aka Knee highs) to help with the swelling. The stockings have helped a little but get uncomfortable for Nic after a while. ( I call him “mama” because he looks like Vicki Lawrence from, Mama’s family in them-haha) Amanda also put him back on his water pill to see if that will help. The only problem with that is, it’s the same pill he used to take that makes his blood pressure drop, and gave him those fainting spells. They also decreased his chemo dose again slightly this go around, so let’s keep praying Nic can continue with these drugs! We are scheduled for a CT scan on November 30th. Please keep praying the Chemo is helping!!

Last Thursday, we had a meeting at Henry Ford with the original Heart surgeon, and nurse. I had given Nic’s case file to him to look over after I was so upset about hearing the tumor was inoperable. He assured us that Dr. Pagani is the best of the best when it comes to Heart surgeries. He may not have the best “bedside manner” but we should feel confident in his decisions. We have accepted this, and are just grateful to always get the facts even though it may not be what we want to hear. Our miracle will come, we just have to be patient. The “not knowing” is what makes it so hard.  With other more common Cancers, you get a treatment plan, and you know what the steps are, and what to expect. We don’t get any answers because noone knows.  We are all just getting physically sick with all of this. The chemo just has to work because I do not want to see my husband suffer like this for nothing!

Our prayers are being answered though, just in other ways. I can’t even tell you enough how grateful we are for everything that you all have done for our family! Words cannot even express how much we appreciate EVERYTHING!!  I promise to ALWAYS PAY IT FORWARD.  THANK YOU!! I’ll admit, I haven’t checked our mailbox in quite a while because the mailman can just keep all those bills!! Well, I did finally grab it this weekend, and all the cards, notes etc. that we received really  cheered us up, so THANK YOU for continuing to think of us!!!(I guess I should check the mail more often!) I do receive everyone’s emails, voicemails, letters, texts, but I don’t always respond back right away. Please know that your messages are received and mean so much to us. I’ve just been having “my moment” a little more often lately so I apologize for not responding to everyone sooner.
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I always like to end on a good note, so here’s my cute story of the night… There are some wonderful people at Chrysler(forgive me for forgetting the plant name) who have adopted my children for Christmas. I needed to give them a list of 3 things each of the kids would want, and they’ll choose one.  When I asked Kaden what he wanted, of course he responded with a “Wii”. I explained to him that if they were to get him a Wii, they wouldn’t have enough money to get the other kids presents. He took that off the list, and said all he needed was a big bouncy ball, and maybe a new pair of swim trunks. He just melts my heart. He really is an amazing 5 yr old. Whenever we get so angry at our situation, we just look at our boys, and remember how blessed we truly are.

This update was written by Brianna Sotelo in her husband Nic’s journal, which can be viewed by clicking here. is a great way to follow a loved one’s progress, and Brianna does an amazing job keeping us all updated, it’s like we’re in there, fighting, alongside Nic & Brianna’s family.  You may have to signup, create a member name & password, but it’s so worth it, no junk e-mail, just an e-mail to let you know when there is a journal update.  We all are pulling for that chemo to do the trick, shrink that nasty old tumor, so the surgeons can get in there and get it out of there.  Send Nic a Get Well card to let him know you’re thinking of him, and wish him a full recovery, nothing but the best for one of the best.  Nic Sotelo, 30569 Austin Ct., Chesterfield, MI 58051.