February Lindskoog Family Birthdays


Happy Birthday to all the Lindskoog Family Members celebrating birthdays in February!!! Extra special birthday wishes go out to Joyce Petersen who turns the BIG EIGHT-OH on the 10th and on the 15th Tarina Ricards will turn the BIG FOUR-OH!!! Have a wonderful birthday celebrating with LOTSA cake!!!

2 Henry Persson
2 Lucy Greenfield
2 Novalie Swernfeldt
3 Stephen Todd
4 Wes Henricksen
4 Caryn Sparacio
5 Chad Brown
5 Rick Sothan
6 Zachary Lindskoog
6 Caedence Kolpien
7 Melissa Todd-Leon
10 Holly Todd
10 Joyce Petersen (BIG EIGHT-OH)
10 Jackson Gere
11 Ed Biegert
11 Karin Lindblom
11 Devyn Pechnick
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11 James Haywood
13 Titti Nilsson
14 Joshua Diersen
15 Tarina Richards (BIG FOUR-OH)
16 Gunnar Lindeman
18 Wendy Buck
18 Jonas Linde
18 Dawn Lindeman
20 Jack Miller
20 Sadie Richards
20 Harley Miller
25 Patricia Lindskoog
25 Mike Porrey
25 Bert Lindblom
26 Keith Brown
26 Kyle Guziec
26 Melissa Cipolla
27 Jen Richards